Beauty Therapy Life


What’s Your Bloom?

Did you know that wisteria only blooms twice a year, but for those two weeks it has the most beautiful blooms and most incredible scent?

Sure wisteria could cry that it doesn’t get its rightful opportunity to shine, or it could seize its unique opportunity.

Stopping and smelling the roses is absolutely crucial to training your mind to be able to stop and appreciate all the details of life. Roses are but a metaphor for the very beauty that lies within every ounce of life’s green pastures. But more important than stopping to smell the flowers is having the deep-rooted appreciation for the bloom as it sits atop a strong and sturdy stem, anchored by a foundation of healthy roots.

Not following the flower analogy yet? Let me elaborate…

In order for most any flower to sprout, it must be watered. Succulents may require less H2O, but they still need their sustenance. The most miraculous of flowers can even come back to life once half-dead, with just a little nourishment.

This last example hits me hard. I almost lost my dear brother to a horrible car accident several years ago. And while hope seemed lost, I saw him re-bloom before my very eyes. Just like my brother rose back up, each of us can do the same without having to face a terrifying tragedy. We can choose to bloom proactively, together!

As a community we can help each other re-bloom. With the right tools, and the waters of passion and inspiration to keep us thriving, we can grow into our true potential.

For today’s watering, we have some incredible flower facts that relate to different facets of our lives. Take a break, take a breathe and share which blooms you relate to most.


ROSE —  Oh yes, the most beautiful flower lists reserve the number one spot for this woody perennial shrub that belongs to the genus ‘Rosa.’ Roses are found almost everywhere on earth. They are not only pretty to the sight, but sweet to the smell, embodying what it takes to be the prettiest flower in the world. The rose is a flower synonymous with beauty and love, and comes in a variety of colors, each color holding a different meaning (i.e. the red rose is a symbol of love while the yellow rose stands for friendship). From poets to artists, the rose has been a source of inspiration for centuries!

The rose is the belle of the ball….the elegant, soft and feminine part of us all.


ORCHID — Orchids have an unbelievable number of varieties — over 25,000 species and under 800 genera. This plant can easily adapt to its environment and is therefore available almost all over the world. With its beautifully crafted petals and lively colors, orchids are a favorite among florists and flower lovers all over the world! Did you know some orchids have 30 inch petals and can weigh about a ton?

The orchid is the playful best friend….the one who gets dressed up in spunky, bright colors and dances on table tops. She’s the fun-loving, sassy part of all of us.


WISTERIA FLOWER — Wisteria is a gorgeous member of the pea family, Fabaceae, and is full of purple blossoms ranging from tiny roadside weeds to massive trees. The wisteria is a member of a unique family that also doubles as an attractive cut flower. As a symbol, wisteria is full of mystery and beauty. There’s even a water growing version of the plant with similar meanings and symbolism. You’ll certainly feel a deeper appreciation for this sweetly scented tree and vine flower once you learn more about what it means to cultures from around the world.

Some people believe wisteria symbolizes good luck, others believe it serves as a warm welcome to a new town or home. Wisteria is often used to celebrate the youthful vitality of a young friend or child, as well as to express affection after meeting someone special for the first time. Wisteria has also been used as an expression of serious devotion, as well as a gift for new births and spring birthdays. 

Wisteria is the part of each of us that luxuriates in a bubble bath, goes on long walks and enjoys a full glass of wine (or in my case, a full glass of sweet tea) cozied up next to a good book or loved one.


TULIP — This perennial plant with showy flowers belongs to the genus, Tulipa. From Asia to Africa, the tulip is among the most cultivated flowers. Various species and hybrids of this exceptionally beautiful flower can be seen in gardens as cut flowers or as potted plants. Tulips come in several colors as well as shapes, and have over 100 known species!

The tulip is that aspect of us that is sexy and sensual…the show-stopper after a fabulous glam session.


MAGNOLIA — Few things are as beautiful as a magnolia tree in full bloom! It boasts over 200 species. Magnolia flowers come in pink, purple or white, and their size can be anywhere between 3 to 12 inch in diameter. This flower is a symbol of beauty, sweetness and femininity. 

The magnolia is the grounded and regal version of ourselves…the one we show others when we are deeply comfortable and self-expressed — when we are with our best friend or loved one, snuggled up in pajamas and our hair in a messy bun.


As far as I’m concerned, we’re all a thriving flower arrangement every day of our blossoming lives.

My all-time favorite flower is a large pale pink rose. It is undoubtedly the way to my heart! I am NOT the girl who says, “Oh don’t waste your money on flowers, they’ll die anyways.” I’m the girl who buys fresh flowers every week, makes arrangements and puts them in every room of my house! Flowers are therapeutic for me, and I love admiring the beauty that every flower possesses. And I’m over the moon excited when my fiancé surprises me with ‘just because’ flowers.

Cutting, trimming, shaping, watering and making flowers into a piece of art is a weekly gift for me, as it literally forces me to “be in the moment.” As I arrange my buds, I cease to let my mind wander, worry or stress — instead I am held in a place of peace, calmness and ease. I usually give myself at least an hour to make my flower arrangements. And I’ll admit it —  I used to only admire a flower’s obvious external beauty. But since my own personal journey took a sharp turn roughly 2 years ago, I now look at the stems, thorns, roots, leaves, the occasional torn stems, and I smile, because I know this flower “gets it.” It gets the journey that we are all on as creations. It gets that it did not start as a beautiful bloom, instead it first had to endure its own growth process. And whatever that process was like — the good, the bad, the ugly — it was all worth it, as it helped bring the flower to the very day it created a lasting, beautiful bloom.


(My fiancé and I the day after he proposed in Venice, Italy — with a huge bouquet of my favorite flowers as our witness 🙂 )

Just like a flower, what’s your process? What’s your journey?

I promise I’ll elaborate more on my personal journey of continued growth, starting with that fateful moment two years ago, until present day. One blog, one vlog, one post at a time. I ask you to be patient with me, as I honor your pace on this journey through life. Deal?


What are you doing each week to “be in the moment?” To get out of your head, be present and focus on the beauty around you? I challenge you to give yourself at least one hour a week to devote to your chosen practice. You’re worth it, Beauties!