Beauty Therapy Life


Lauren has decided to flip the script - making her life’s mission to empower women to feel beautiful from the inside out.

After years of being under a microscope and focusing on external beauty from the outside in, Lauren has decided to flip the script — making her life’s mission to empower women to feel beautiful from the inside out. Lauren knows first-hand that inner beauty never fades, and that it can shine brighter when fostered and developed. LB’s Beauty Therapy is a toolbox for women to self-empower and reconnect to their inner beauty. Through authentic stories, transparent blogs and powerful multimedia content, this online community will nurture a connection to the deepest and truest source of everlasting beauty.

BEAUTY•Y THER•A•PY – |’byoode ’therepe | noun

1. The joyful process of living out a full, balanced and peaceful life while consistently shining forth your true, authentic essence.

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